Weaponized compassion.

It’s a thing. It’s brilliant in it’s dastardly way. Twisting empathy and compassion to be used as a social weapon. It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers. What someone I know calls “the download” — many have taken the download, but we can’t blame them. Fear porn and propaganda pushed by mainstream media is designed that be that way. What are you allowing into your consciousness daily, hourly?

And virtue signaling. It’s a thing. It’s not a cool thing. It’s a sign of weakness. Who wants to flaunt or be proud of weakness? A martyr maybe. But who wants to be a martyr? We are “better” than needing to do that and we are not “better” than anyone who chooses not to take the fear porn download.

Weaponized compassion.

Is there a cure? Immunize yourself from either the praise and/or disdain of others. No playing small or weak. We are powerful beings. Strive to have little or no fear in thought, word, or action, and any residual fear and its attachments have the potential to dissolve by the power of a nonjudgmental, non-shaming, unapologetic fearless knowingness. That is some powerful mojo medicine.

Let nobody weaponize any part of what makes you an individual, for any reason, especially not your uniqueness, empathy, compassion, or rational, questioning, logical, thinking mind.

– mu

Being With Pain

Illness. Pain. The mind wants solutions… suggesting… trying… what if this, what if that…. it wants to escape the body pain… now! It’s so persistent in its quest to stop this actual ‘what is’ state. Jibber-jabbering away wanting to be helpful. I’m sitting here watching it do its thing… creating fear, scary thought, anxiety stories, all kinds and varieties of stories. I used to resist the mind and the body and the stories, but that just kept me tethered even more. So, I watch it do its thing. Jibber-jabber… when will it?… what if?… stop me in my tracks writhe, grimace involuntarily; disapprove of it as I’m sending it love and approval; call out to Uriel, Lester, god god god, a friend… what a cacophonous symphony. Not a distraction. Not to be denied, ignored, or by-passed. But to have the courage to dive into the apparent chaos where peace, pain, noise, silence, whatever-ness, and all of it resides. This is the challenge of illness… and life.
Courage to be with all of it, and to let it be all of what it is. Until it isn’t.
mu, 02/15/2016

Ojai, CA

Love is All – INclusive

BE AWARE that any reframing or reinterpretation of what is perceived as ‘negative’ or ‘unloving’ by the mind into anything other than what it is in the moment — including into a picture or language of positivity, is resistance. Resistance is in opposition to allowance of All — of the Allness. Allowance of All is Love. Needing or wanting to reframe or reinterpret anything in language or thought is simply another face of FEAR perspective where there can be no true all-encompassing consciousness of Love. Fear does not equal love, but paradoxically is encompassed within Love.

Loving it All and not wanting or having to reframe or reinterpret through ANY lens, including a lens of Love, is an awakened state of BEing, which paradoxically (not) INcludes another’s need or want to reinterpret anything.

Repression, resistance, denial of ANYthing you perceive is not a highly-evolved awakened end state. I see many people stopping there in a psuedo feel-good state because they have convinced themselves if it feels “good” it is the be all end all. But does it really feel “good”? The mind is very convincing, but if one is courageously and fearlesly honest with oneself and peels away layers to get to what is real and true in the moment, the stuff that is being resisted, denied and repressed is still right there and always will be. But you *can* get to a state where it doesn’t matter either way. Impeturbability. Supreme Peace.

Consciousness knows when you are lying to it or forcing something on it that is not AUTHENTIC. Do you want an Authentically True Peace? Resistance and reinterpretation is not the way, but like all things and states, it can be a step on the way. (There really is no hierarchical linear ‘stepping’ anyway… but this is the language we use to paint a picture).

It is currently trendy to talk about and “teach” the philosophy of “It’s all goodness and love and light the rest is illusion,” but there is something even more all-inclusive and wonderful beyond that intellectual understanding and linguistic/behavioral modification practice.

Stop trying to bullshit yourself and your mind. Bullshitting a bullshitter (the mind) is futile. And Consciousness is not stupid. Let go of judging anything as good/bad, right/wrong, dark/light, negative/positive. Go beyond your desiring, wanting, or needing to re-interpret anything you perceive. Allow it to Be as it shows up.

Ultimately, WE the One Consciousness and “Love” (but not the limited human concept and construct of what love is). We can call it Love, God, Dog, Lala Land, or any other manmade word. We are/It is all there is INcluding anything perceived as being ‘other than’ Itself. Soak that up. Revel in that.

Love includes all things your mind tells you it is not.

Reinterpreting is unecessary. This is what an Awakened Consciousness Revolution is about.

♡ mu ♡

Ojai, CA


What I Know For Sure* 

Here is what *I know for sure:

I don’t know anything for sure. 

Ignorant Freedom. 

The end. 

* This knowing/unknowing could potentially be a mind-numbing infinite thought loop. Like when I was a kid of 8, pondering the theory of infinity. Brain freeze. But knowing the not knowing negates the knowing. See? 

– mu

Ojai, CA 


Love Heroes


I had a bittersweet day. I was writing a chapter in a book I’ve been working on about a soulmate. When I’m writing it, I’m living it. That can be both beautiful and heart-wrenching.

Without him, my soul felt bruised. All of the clichés applied. He felt it too. He said, “You’ve ruined it for me… being with anyone else.” I felt the same. Ruined or not, sometimes Life has other ideas, and soul bruises don’t heal like regular bruises. They’re not supposed to. They stick around to remind us how fucked, I mean, how lucky we got. We actually had “it”, and we still have “it”, and how unbelievably amazing “it” is when “it’s” Real. 

Real doesn’t mean for as long as our bodies exist. It’s beyond time and space like We are. Real is right now, AND then, AND always without end Infinitely. How cool is that? And my god, that we actually go on to love again… and again, even with a bruised soul and an ever-so-slightly abridged version of our heart. That’s heroic. We are Love Heroes.

Today was a bruised and bittersweet day. How fucking amazing is that? 

– mu

July, 2015

Ojai, CA


“To have a fulfilling relationship you have to relate…” ~ Deepak Chopra 

It’s been true in my experience. All types of relationships. Ever tried forcing ‘RESOLATION’? (Resonate/relate. I just made that word up) It won’t work. It’s there or it isn’t. That may or may not shift and morph over time as all the Cosmic cogs do their/our thing. But, I don’t hang around waiting for that may or may not to happen. I let go of what doesn’t resolate and know it’s all perfect. 

For example, have you ever tried resolating with a true Narcissist? It’s not happening. And this is coming from the mouth of an Idealist. I believe/know anything is possible — I see it. 
You can’t authentically ‘relate’ with a Narcissist, because it’s all about ‘them’ in all ways all of the time. Where is the space to resolate there? There isn’t any. And trying to make it happen when you don’t or can’t is like paddling against the current up Shit Creek. 

I have found it best to surrender to the will of the resolation gods and drop the paddle. Let the stream float me away… to that which is resolating with me for Real. 

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily…

– mu

July 26, 2015

Ojai, CA 

My New Motto: “Fuck It!”

* “Fuck It!”

That is my motto for the new paradigm We are ushering in.

“Fuck It!”

Saying it loud and proud. Saying it and really meaning it. No, not in an angry or pessimistic way. It’s the ultimate verbal accoutrement of the act of ‘letting go’. Letting go of whatever… barrier, trauma, resistance, drama, story, outcome, control… whatever might be holding ‘you’ or ‘me’ an imaginary hostage. Falsely holding you down, back, frozen, intimidated, scared, ashamed, WHATEVER.

“F U C K I T !”

When uttered with the utmost sincerity and authentic fuckitness, it’s like a mysterious key that opens up an invisible portal that you are already standing in/on the threshold of, but can’t see… yet.

But, you REALLY have to mean it from the depths and heights of your beingness. It’s the Ultimate Surrender and Victory. “Fuck It!” It’s not a weak or whimpy “I give up wahwahwah” victim “fuck it.” Oh no. Not even close. It’s powerful juju I tell you. Pure magic.

“Fuck It!”

(or “Fuck It Baby!” if you prefer it a bit more warm and fuzzy.)

Your Uni-verse awaits…

* Does my motto offend? “Fuck It!”

– mu

Just Be Yourself…

Ramana Maharshi said self-realization is just being ones self. Not knowing or becoming anything.

That’s not necessarily an Absolute Truth, but that is what one man said, because he found what worked for him. People connected with what he found worked for himself and wanted to imitate or achieve that. And it could be any or all other spiritual ‘teachers’ ‘gurus’ ‘masters’ as well.

I see people really struggling to achieve a certain spiritual ‘level’ or ‘state’. Believing there is somewhere to get to, some thing or state to accomplish in order to be ‘enlightened’, or awakened or Realized. Thinking they must become something or someone other than they are to get ‘there’, wherever they think or have heard ‘there’ is. I think it’s much simpler than most ever realize (pun intended). When Everything is holy (‘spiritual’), it’s not a separate place or state of being to get to. As I always say, it’s All connected. It’s All God. There is nothing that is not. Including me, including you. Just be yourself.

We ALL stumble around in the dark. Every human ever in a body – nobody is/was excluded. Some have found something that works for them, that makes this experience easier (or easier to cope with trauma, pain, suffering etc.) temporarily or for however long. It works for them. That’s all. But it is not necessarily the highest/ultimate/be all or end all for everyone else.

Some things are an inherent part of this experience. There will always be what we call ‘ego,’ fear, suffering, and all the ‘good’ stuff as well. For me, allowance of all works. Befriending the ego. Befriending the fear. Befriending all of it and allowing it to stay…or go. It’s not always easy, but it’s easier than fighting with, disapproving of, or resisting what is or apparently is. It can be challenging for me during times of extreme pain or discomfort. But when I am in the center of that ‘either way is okay’ place… it’s All holy and all god… it is okay to stay in this body, or not be in this body… there, there is peace.

There, I am not knowing or becoming anything. I am just being myself. There, I feel free.

December 13, 2014

On Happiness…


In the moment, there really are no problems. The mind will argue and make up many stories to try to prove that statement is false. But, it’s true. The mind, ruled by ego is not a particularly trustworthy friend.

Happiness (inner-peace) is a state of being that is accessible to anyone who sincerely desires it. Right now. Right here. Many claim to want it, but have actually built barriers to block it. Removing barriers and blocks is a conscious decision.

“Let go of judgment of self and other” is often taught, because it is so basic and essential to living in a state of inner peace (happiness). It is also a natural by-product of liberating oneself. Letting go of judgments of other and self, we remember where innocence and love is, and has always been.

When the mind/ego is working over-time manipulating feelings, thoughts and emotions; if it is obsessing about one thing or another, blaming or disapproving of others — even subtly, or feeling an urgency to do, say, control, or change something as it is (i.e.: get an answer, ‘fix’ someone or something, say something, get a manufactured ‘need’ met, or whatever it might be that is creating disharmony withIN…) #1) recognize it is happening, and #2) stop it. Literally, stop it. Give yourself a time-out. Breath and just be until you come back into a state of equilibrium and balance.

The ‘war’ is within. Happiness and peace have nothing to do with anyone or anything outside of yourself. Simply Be centered and grounded in peace as much as possible moment to moment, and your/the world changes… from the inside out.

I can say this and know it to be true (for myself), because I have experienced it (for myself). See how that works?

– mu
November 26, 2014